Discover Flavors With Senseo Coffee Pods

Discover Flavors With Senseo Coffee Pods

I have read, and even made some articles, regarding the Senseo’s coffee brewing system. Though the coffee origin remains unclear, its stimulating effect was then exploited by every individual from the past up to the present. It has been a substance affecting lives in gustatory sense. It is quite amazing to have these convenient machines and even more convenient coffee pods to have brewed your favorite cup of coffee. Not even that, it lets you brew tea and cappuccinos as well.

Further research and development came up with sealing and pre-packing coffee beans to trap its freshness aver after roasting. The coffee beans used in Senseo pods are roasted by Europe’s Douwe Egberts, the world’s third largest coffee roaster and are available for easy consumption of coffee in your home and anywhere.

You can have a quick glance on my Senseo coffee story and get some information on how Senseo processed their brewing system from bean to cup.

In this article, I will be talking about the different blends and flavors Senseo coffee pods are offering. Given the varieties that Senseo coffee pods has offered, this thingamajig will eventually help choose the right cup for you. With 3 categories to choose from, Senseo coffee pods offer the Original roasts, the Senseo Origins, and the Specialty blends.

Senseo Original caffeinated coffee varieties are 100% pure coffee without additives, while the caffeine in Decaffeinated Roast is removed by a certain process. City Sensations varieties include Paris French Vanilla and the Vienna Hazelnut Waltz.

Senseo Origins coffee pods- Sumatra Blend has a bold and intense Arabica taste picked from the mountains of Sumatra and from the world’s other finest coffee regions, this is a romantic coffee desire for your afternoons.

Kenyan coffee is well-known and well-liked. Grown from the foothills of Mount Kenya and carefully selected and roasted to produce the Kenya Blend by Senseo. These coffee beans have a slightly sweet taste and a soft finish with hints of fruitiness.

With abundant sun and fruitful soil, Senseo’s Columbia Blends grow from 100% Arabica beans from Columbian valleys and ravines resulting in a strong full taste of aromatic coffee.

Brazil Blends has a subtle and soft taste with fruitiness in it. The beans that form the base of this superb mixture are hailed from Sul de Minas region in Brazil, the unquestionably biggest coffee producing country in the world.

From the large island of Hawaii, it is Kona coffee that is best known and in high demand. Kona Blend is a coffee mixture of 10% Kona coffee and Arabica beans which is carefully processed and produces a deliciously rich, aromatic cup of medium body for your morning ritual.

Meanwhile, the Senseo Specialty Blend consists of its Espresso coffee pods and Cappuccino Pods. Given the latter an additional milky substance from espresso’s strong distinctive taste.

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